
Advance your sustainable performance skills and strengthen your knowledge foundation with Amplify Academy.

Innovation activities must be treated as any other mission-critical activity. It’s about knowing how and when to do it – but also when not to innovate. Build a strong professional foundation using a proactive and systematic way of working.

Executive Seminars

Executive training providing an introduction to selected innovation topics, mixing insights with practical tools, which can be customized for any group or program.

An excellent introduction to innovation, designed to engage decision makers, executives and management teams by raising awareness around the potential of innovation activities. Executive Seminars build a strong foundation for professionalizing innovation within your own organization. These seminars are interactive with a mix of insights and practice and can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

“Managing high performance innovation efforts is universal and crucial for all forward looking leaders.”

Training Programs

In-depth training providing the skills needed to establish and manage an Innovation Management System within an organization.

Innovation Performance Assessment

Understand your innovation capabilities to take the right actions to improve performance.

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Systematic Innovation Management LIVE

A unique training program and knowledge resource for leaders and managers in all kinds of organizations, combining self-paced studies with expert-led online sessions.

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Systematic Innovation Management

A unique online training program and knowledge resource for self-paced or blended learning for leaders and managers in all kinds of organizations.

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Systematic Innovation Management EXECUTIVE

An exclusive online self-paced training program and knowledge resource designed for executive leaders committed to driving innovation efforts.

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Innovations­ledning i ekosystem

Innovationsledning för yrkesverksamma inom innovationsekosystem.

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Innovation Management Professional

Building the capability of innovation management professionals in both public and private organizations.

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ISO 56001 Lead Auditor

Learn the necessary innovation management knowledge to become an ISO 56001 Lead Auditor.

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Innovation Coach

In-depth training on how to coach others to refine, case and sell ideas internally. Designed for the specific opportunities and challenges within your organization.

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Innovation Toolbox

Resource library of general and tailor-made innovation tools and templates. Always available whenever you need it, wherever you are.

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Innovation Seminars

Executive training providing an introduction to selected innovation topics, mixing insights with practical tools, which can be customized for any group or program.

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Innovation Community

A set of independent webinars providing community learning in the area of innovation practice and innovation management.

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Innovation Toolbox

Resource of general and tailor-made innovation tools and templates. Always available whenever you need it, wherever you are.

Innovation, like any mission-critical endeavour, can be strengthened by the kind of infrastructure you have available. Amplify’s Innovation Toolbox is a web-based modular toolbox, developed by innovation specialists, containing proven tools and methods that support all aspects of innovation management. Innovation Coaches have the best chance of creating long-lasting and powerful impact when they’re supported by a common framework and state-of-the-art tools and methods. Amplify’s Innovation Toolbox is powerful enough to support your unique innovation journey, delivering a set of materials designed for working with your colleagues. The tools and processes are available in stand-alone modules which enable the creation of task-specific combinations to meet every need.

Whatever aspect of the innovation process you are driving, there are tools supplied with material designed to give the user hands-on guidance on how it should be applied in a given situation. This means that end-to-end value creation is available anywhere at anytime. Amplify’s Innovation Toolbox has successfully supported innovation activities in global companies.

”Concrete and hands-on tools and methods to make innovation into something much more systematic than just fluffy phrases.”

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Innovation activities must be treated as any other mission-critical activity. It’s about knowing how and when to do it – but also when not to innovate. Build a strong professional foundation using a proactive and systematic way of working.